Sunday 22 October 2017

I got electric shock, today!

     Previously, I experienced another "zap" like kind of electric shock. That was what I thought.

                       BUT I WAS WRONG!

 This is my lair. It's the common area, I live with another girl from the same college as I do.

You could see the wire of the cable on the couch it's my housemate's. He's the culprit. 😭😭

The cause of the electrical shock.

The unexpected shocker
HA! Close-ups of what he looks like.
You could clearly see the "lock and unlock" button over there.

I've experienced any other normal electric shock, like when plugging in the plug with wet hands, I got this "zap" like feeling. Nothing painful, more of a sound Bzzt and that's all.

       I was curious what the lock would do so I...
                           Unlock it
Two legs shot out from the plug (you know it's an adapter afterall)
 I panicked, I don't usually touch other people's stuff. So what the hell did I do that got me those shock?
I immediately push them inwards, trying to get it inside the adapter. I tried push it but it won't even get in. Then..

                                          It stung me

I guess my palms and fingers was a bit moist, so I got electrocuted, not realising the switch was on
 (as the plug was connected behind the couch) . The sensation is very surprising.

I feel:
  • Like having a heart attack (not being able to breathe)
  • The feeling of when someone just scared the shit out of you (jumpscare)
  • my index finger (the one touched the plug) felt cold and the stinging is felt.
  • my heart racing like hell
  • my other part of my body feel uneasy.
  • my brain was shock for a while (I froze for a few seconds trying to recall what just happened)
 My palm is still sweating. But I searched for help on-line that it was nothing major and it will go away after a few days. On the bright side, a bit of the electric shock really boost the sharpness of my thinking skills for a while.

If you got into a really bad electric shock, trust me, there is a high chance you may not be able to move, you'll just froze there.

If you see anyone got electric shock,

  • never touch them with bare hand
  • always switch off the main switch (cover your hands with thick clothes)
  • analyse the situation before stepping in.
But then this is all the basics. Even kids know what to do. Always think wisely before you act.

Love and cheers, 